November Lunar Eclipse Through the Houses

Oh My Occulture!
7 min readNov 17, 2021

On November 19, 2021 we will have a partial lunar eclipse in the sign of Taurus (read more about it here).

As I mentioned in my previous post, eclipses are a lot like super charged new moons. Emotions fly high, drama might colors things more than usual, new opportunities may arise while others fade away.

Eclipses can be hard on the body and might leave you feeling drained and tired; eye strain is also common. If possible, try to take it easy the next couple days. If you are feeling extra spent and stressed, salt baths can help.

Although not always easy, eclipses are the perfect time to let go of something you’ve been holding on to. Since this eclipse is so close to Uranus, the impulse to go in a sudden, new direction is especially strong.

Even so, this isn’t necessarily something that will happen all in one go. This eclipse is starting a cycle that will continue to have an effect until the total lunar eclipse in its opposite sign, Scorpio, which will take place on May 26, 2022

To help you understand what this partial lunar eclipse in Taurus might be asking you to let go of, as well as the areas in your life that might develop in new ways over the next six months, I’ve assembled a little break down that explain the potential by your rising sign.

So here goes:

Aries rising

If you have Aries rising, November’s partial lunar eclipse will be falling in your 2nd house. This has to do with your finances and personal possessions. In this case, letting go could mean decluttering, finally cleaning out your garage or closet or tossing out those rusty paperclips and dried out pens in your junk drawer. If your finances are in shambles, this is a chance to start a new plan to get things sorted out. Again, eclipses can be painful at first, but the more you let go and start a new in these areas over the next six months, the better off you’ll be come May.

Taurus rising

If you have Taurus rising, November’s partial lunar eclipse will be falling in your 1st house. An angular house, this is a particularly powerful place and you may be feeling the eclipse more personally than people with other rising signs. This eclipse is asking you to let go of certain patterns and allow for new opportunities to arise in your body and physical health. Since eclipses like to bring on the drama, this might mean becoming ill, but if it does, then it’s likely it will point to changes that need to be made to get yourself more fit and healthy. So quit smoking, cut back on the booze and get off the couch and hit the gym — letting go of those kind of bad habits over the next six months in a great way to deal with this eclipse.

Gemini rising

If you have Gemini rising, November’s partial lunar eclipse will be falling in your 12th house. The 12th house is a difficult house because it stands for all the ways we are our own worst enemies. During this lunar eclipse, try to identify and let go standing of in your own way. This house also has a lot of do with places of solitude and confinement in both negative and positive ways: prisons and hospitals on the one hand, but also ashrams, monasteries and private retreats. Over the next six months, try to discover new ways to create constructive solitude in your life, a positive, affirming room of one’s own if you will, even if it’s just a quiet corner of your apartment where you can practice meditation.

Cancer rising

If you have Cancer rising, November’s partial lunar eclipse will be falling in your 11th house. This has to do with your friends, network and alliances. If you have a toxic friendship that’s run its course, this is the perfect time to finally make the cut. New developments are called for in how you build your network and get people on your side. The eclipse may bring hardship in this area at first, but the potential to build new bridges in bright new ways over the next six months, as well as welcome new friends, groups and allies into your life if definitely there.

Leo rising

If you have Leo rising, November’s partial lunar eclipse will be falling in your 10th house. This has to do with your career and public image. Since the 10th is also an angular house, this is a powerful place to have an eclipse, and you may be feeling it more than others. New job opportunities may develop or your career may take new unexpected turns over the next six months. Still, since this is an eclipse, you should definitely ask yourself where you may need to let go in this area. Maybe you need to quit a job you’ve outgrown, or change your approach to building your brand. Be open to it and weather through any stormy upsets. Eclipses both open and close doors, and sometimes the potential needs time to unfold.

Virgo rising

If you have Virgo rising, November’s partial lunar eclipse will be falling in your 9th house. This has to do with higher education, foreign travel and your religious or spiritual beliefs. An eclipse here may call you to drop out of a field of study that’s no longer serving you, as well as start studying something new and unexpected. Your beliefs may be challenged and a new spiritual leader just might pop up in your life over the next six months. Maybe you need to let go of foreign travel plans, not a shocker in this day and age unfortunately.

Libra rising

If you have Libra rising, November’s partial lunar eclipse will fall in your 8th house. This has everything to do with death, debt and taxes, baby. But no worries: this doesn’t mean you’re going to physically die yourself. More likely, you’re being called here to let go of some of your darkest fears. If you do have debts–and who doesn’t?–then the next six months is an ideal time to think of new ways to deal with them. While we’re on the subject of death, since this is also the house of inheritance and other people’s money, there is the chance that an eclipse here could bring in something new in that sense.

Scorpio rising

If you have Scorpio rising, November’s partial lunar eclipse will be falling in your 7th house. This has to do with your partners, be they your business partner or your spouse. Similar to the 11th house, perhaps this eclipse is asking you to let go of certain relationships, or at least work towards forming new patterns on how you to relate. This could also bring a new relationship into your life over the six months, romantic or otherwise, so stay tuned!

Sagittarius rising

If you have Sagittarius rising, November’s partial lunar eclipse will be falling in your 6th house. This has to do with unsatisfying work, illness and, yes, pets. Not many people like cleaning the bathroom, or performing other thankless chores, but this eclipse is an opportunity to change your behavior and bad habits in this regard. Like the first house, an eclipse here may indicate an illness impacting either yourself or your furry, feathered or scaly friend over the next six months, but since this eclipse is in a Venus-ruled sign, square Jupiter and trine Pluto, the signs are promising that it won’t be severe.

Capricorn rising

If you have Capricorn rising, November’s partial lunar eclipse will be falling in your 5th house, lucky you. This has to do with love affairs, sex, pleasure, entertainment, children and games of chance. An eclipse here may very well bring in a whirlwind romance, especially since Venus herself is currently in your first house. But it may also be asking you what you need to let go of in this regard, a purging of the inner pleasure-seeking glutton if you will. Since this eclipse has a Venus tone and is close to Uranus, it could also indicate an unexpected pregnancy, so be extra careful these next six months if you’d rather not have a bun in the oven at this time.

Aquarius rising

If you have Aquarius rising, November’s partial lunar eclipse will be falling in your 4th house. Another of the angular “power houses” in your chart, this one has to do with your home, heritage and your parents, particularly your father. This is another spring-cleaning-in-fall kind of situation–as they say, let it go if it doesn’t spark joy! It could also indicate moving or some sort of changes in your home or your relationship with mom and dad and where you come from.

Pisces rising

If you have Pisces rising, November’s partial lunar eclipse will be falling in your 3rd house. This has to do with your siblings, neighbors, neighborhood and communication. Maybe you need to let go of a grudge you’ve held against your brother, mix things up in the town where you live, or change some patterns in your communication. Either way, you’ll have the next six months to figure things out.

Photo by Matt Nelson on Unsplash



Oh My Occulture!

Musings on astrology, tarot, magic, (oc)culture and things that go bump in the night.