10 Tips to Cultivate your Inner Witch

Oh My Occulture!
2 min readJan 14, 2023

Hello my lovelies! Here’s a simple a guide for all of you out there who are interested in exploring and embracing your inner witch.

Whether you are new to the path of witchcraft or have been practicing for some time, these tips and resources can provide valuable insights and guidance for deepening your connection to your craft.

You’re welcome. :)

10 Tips to Cultivate your Inherent Inner Witch

Photo by Rhett Wesley on Unsplash
  1. Practice mindfulness and meditation to help quiet your mind and tune into your innate ability for manifestation. One of my favorite books about this (and many other how-to witchy topics) is Psychic Witch by Mat Auryn.
  2. Keep a journal to document your thoughts, feelings, and experiences as you explore your inner witch. This can be morphed later with your very own Book of Shadows.
  3. Experiment with different forms of divination, such as tarot, geomancy or scrying, to help you connect with your inner wisdom and intuitive abilities. A great book for both beginner and advanced scryers is this one by Lucya Starza. As for tarot, I really love the classes and books offered by Camelia Elias, who take a powerful, no-nonsense approach to cartomancy.
  4. Try incorporating elements of earth, air, fire, and water into your daily life, as these elements are often associated with the practice of witchcraft.
  5. Connect with other like-minded individuals through online communities or local groups to share your experiences and learn from others. A great place to check out is the Magickal Women Conference which celebrates the magic in women and transwomen yearly — men and non-binary witches are also more than welcome!
  6. Practice energy work, such as chakra balancing or aura clearing, to help you connect with your inner energy and cultivate a strong connection to your inner witch.
  7. Experiment with different forms of spell work and ritual to find what resonates with you and helps you tap into your inner power. A great book of spells, which can definitely double as a doorstop, is this one here by Judika Illes.
  8. Learn about different herbal remedies and incorporate them into your daily life as a way to connect with the natural world and harness the energy of plants. To discover the magic of your own kitchen, check out this book Sarah Robinson.
  9. Take the time to connect with your own personal beliefs and values, as this can help you craft a unique and meaningful practice that resonates with your inner witch.

Get your witch on my lovelies — and follow Oh My Occulture!



Oh My Occulture!

Musings on astrology, tarot, magic, (oc)culture and things that go bump in the night.